Phakisa's Journey into Human Risk Mapping

Human Risk Mapping

Phakisa's Journey into Human Risk Mapping

Find out more about Phakisa’s journey into Human Risk Mapping.

Phakisa's Human Risk Mapping in 2024

Phakisa Holdings has partnered with EmployInsight to improve their capacity to provide human risk mapping solutions in 2024. Phakisa’s Human Risk Mapping solutions aim to minimize precarious situations, find solutions, and prevent problems associated with hiring, sourcing, and vetting potential candidates.

By partnering with EmployInsight, Phakisa Holdings can minimise the risks associated with employment because they perform comprehensive profiling on potential candidates. The results of which are presented as a comprehensive, integrated report that empowers you to hire the right candidates the first time around. By avoiding the monetary and emotional costs associated with hiring the wrong candidates you can build a high performance team you can trust to realise your vision for the world.

The Risk Averse Solution

To risk-averse employers who face the many risks associated with hiring people, Phakisa and EmployInsight are the human risk mapping solution that provides peace of mind.

Phakisa & EmployInsight help build ethical and resilient institutions by connecting them with ethical, competent, and resilient people through their screening process. Their combined comprehensive solutions helps create productive teams in your workforce while mitigating fraud, corruption, and employee turnover with its proactive proces

EmployInsight prevents counter-productive behaviour in a company or business by assisting them in appointing only the best people.

EmployInsight's Proactive process

Comprehensive Background Profiling

Psychometric Tests


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Our customers depend on Phakisa to provide flexible human capital, increasing their operations’ agility while reliably decreasing operation expenditure.  Find out if we are the solution for you.