company profile & certificates

Download our company profile & relevant certificates to learn more intimately about Phakisa Holdings. 

Here you can get a general idea of what Phakisa’s products or services, its target market, its unique strengths, its track record.

Phakisa Certificates

BBBEE Certificate

Phakisa Holdings (Pty) Ltd - Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Certification.

Phakisa Certificates

APSO Certficate

Phakisa Holdings (Pty) Ltd - African Professional Staffing Organisations Membership.

Phakisa Certificates

CAPES Certficate

Phakisa Holdings (Pty) Ltd - Confederation of Associations in the Private Employment Sector Member.

Phakisa Certificates

PEA Certificate

Phakisa Holdings (Pty) Ltd - Certificate Of Registration Of A Private Employment Agency.

Phakisa Certificates

BBBEE Certificate

Phakisa Holdings (Pty) Ltd - Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Certification.

Phakisa Certificates

APSO Certficate

Phakisa Holdings (Pty) Ltd - African Professional Staffing Organisations Membership.

Phakisa Certificates

CAPES Certficate

Phakisa Holdings (Pty) Ltd - Confederation of Associations in the Private Employment Sector Member.

Phakisa Certificates

PrEA Certificate

Phakisa Holdings (Pty) Ltd - Certificate Of Registration Of A Private Employment Agency.


Looking for a strategic human resources solution?

Our customers depend on Phakisa to provide flexible human capital, increasing their operations’ agility while reliably decreasing operation expenditure.

Looking for a strategic human resources solution?

Our customers depend on Phakisa to provide flexible human capital, increasing their operations’ agility while reliably decreasing operation expenditure.